Application performance testing Tue, 16 Aug 2022 07:36:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Role of Performance Testing for Businesses Across Industries Wed, 21 Jul 2021 15:38:04 +0000 Performance Testing

This week in our weekly blog series we have come up with a blog on ‘Role of Performance Testing for Businesses Across Industries.'
Today, there are millions of apps available on app stores, but in reality, only the high-performing apps attract the customer and survive the competition. High-performing apps uplift the brand’s reputation and increase customer experience. Therefore, to ensure that the apps perform seamlessly under all conditions, businesses must leverage performance testing. Read this blog to know more about performance testing and its need.

The post Role of Performance Testing for Businesses Across Industries first appeared on TestingXperts.

Performance Testing

Content 1. What is the importance of application performance for businesses? 2. What is Performance Testing? 3. Benefits for Businesses Leveraging Performance Testing 4. Why is Performance Testing Required? 5. Need for high-performing apps across some major industries 6. Different Performance Testing Types Businesses should leverage 7. Conclusion 8. How can TestingXperts (Tx) help?

What is the importance of application performance for businesses?

performance testing need

With the rapidly changing customer expectations across the business landscape, the need for high-performing apps is growing in the market. Today, every business needs apps that perform seamlessly to attract new customers and retain existing users. Also, today’s customers expect companies to deliver apps that load fast and perform seamlessly even under peak loads to provide a great Customer Experience (CX).

Typically, businesses need apps that perform flawlessly under various conditions such as fluctuating networks, low bandwidths, high user loads, etc. For example, If a mobile application performance does not meet the user expectations, users are likely to abandon that app and switch to the nearest competitor. Invariably, the application or website or the web app performance plays a significant role. Therefore, to ensure that the apps perform seamlessly under all conditions, businesses must deliver a seamless user experience.

What is Performance Testing?

what is performance testing

Performance testing is a non-functional software testing method that validates the app’s speed, responsiveness, scalability, and reliability. This load testing method checks if the application performs seamlessly under varying networks, bandwidths, and under varying user loads. Some of the app issues identified with this type of testing are runtime error, optimization issues related to speed, latency, throughput, response times, load balancing, etc.

Why is Performance Testing Required?

Latest research analysts views on the need for high-performing apps

According to Statista, there are almost 3.5 million apps available on the Google Play Store and nearly 2.2 million apps available for iOS as of the second quarter of 2022. The report also states that only the best-performing apps stand out in the market and will attract customers.

Think with Google, a one-stop shop of Google for understanding industry trends, in one of its blogs on ‘Speed is key: Optimize your Mobile Experience,’ states that 29% of smartphone users will immediately switch to another site or app if the app is slow or doesn’t satisfy their needs.

According to a Pinterest Engineering Blog titled ‘Driving User Growth with Performance Improvements,’ it has been stated that Pinterest engineers ran an experiment in which they rebuilt web pages for performance. As a result, it led to a 40 percent decrease in Pinner wait time, a 15 per cent increase in SEO traffic, and a 15 per cent increase in conversion rate to new signups.

The above statistics showcase how critical the performance of mobile & web app or website is for businesses. Let us further understand the significance and the need of application performance across some major industries.

Benefits for Businesses Leveraging Performance Testing

performance testing benefits

1. Improves response time:

Response time is the total time taken by the software to generate an output against the input received. Typically, this testing method helps to improve the app’s response time by removing performance-related issues from the software.

2. Enhances the load time:

It is known that slow-loading websites annoy customers, and similar is the case with mobile apps having more load time, users either abandon the app or move to the nearest competitor. Typically, this testing method improves the loading time of applications by identifying and removing performance and load-related issues or bugs from the software.

3. Improves scalability:

The scalability of an app refers to its capacity to handle varying user loads seamlessly. This test helps in enhancing the load handling capacity of apps by testing the apps and websites under varying user loads.

4. Eliminates bottlenecks:

Bottlenecks are the barriers that decrease the responsiveness of the entire system. This performance testing method helps to find performance bottlenecks in the software by identifying the areas that cause the problems and helps to fix them by notifying the dev team promptly.

5. Helps in early identification and fixing of defects:

Performance testing allows testers to detect and fix performance-related issues faster and frequently. It enables testers to quickly identify issues and helps in faster resolution of bugs.

6. Speeds up the testing process:

In the earlier software development models like the waterfall model, the testers had to wait for the development process to get over to start the software testing. But in an agile environment, performance testing is integrated along with the development process, which speeds up the overall software testing process. Typically, a shift-left method of testing is followed in parallel to development which ensures faster results.

7. Enhances Customer Experience (CX):

Performance testing ensures delivery of high-quality products to customers in less time. Faster delivery of quality products enhances CX and makes the stakeholders and customers happy.

Need for high-performing apps across some major industries

Need of performance testing

Enterprises across industries require their websites, web apps & mobile apps to perform seamlessly 24×7, and each of the industry segments, as given below, states the significance for app performance.


Healthcare app performance testing

Healthcare apps bridge the gap between healthcare service providers, doctors, patients, and third-party service providers.

Healthcare apps help patients book appointments with doctors, get real-time consultation with physicians, view and maintain health records, purchase medicines via telepharmacy apps, telemedicine apps, etc.

According to Grand View Research, the global mHealth apps market size was valued at USD 40.05 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.7% from 2021 to 2028. The major forces driving the growth of mHealth applications in the healthcare sector are better treatment outcomes and improved patient lifestyles enabled by these apps.

Invariably, It is essential to ensure that the healthcare apps should perform seamlessly under all network conditions and workloads to deliver a great CX to its users.


Telecom app testing

Telecom apps enable the flow of communication and information sharing via various platforms such as telephony, video conferencing, broadcasting, television media, instant messaging, e-mails, etc.

Various types of telecom apps such as retailer apps, mobile wallets, CRM apps, customer support apps, etc., help businesses and customers to interact, share information, perform transactions, etc., with just a click of the button.

According to Grand View Research, the global telecom services market size was valued at USD 1,657.7 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.4% from 2021 to 2028.

Telecom companies must ensure their apps load fast, perform seamlessly under varying user loads and fluctuating network conditions to deliver a great CX and protect brand image.


eCommerce app testing

Today, eCommerce apps continue to dominate the retail and shopping sector as it allows end-users to view and shop products on the go.

eCommerce apps allow users to perform various tasks such as viewing products, adding products to cart/wish list, removing products from cart/wish list, paying the amount via EMI, Wallet, UPI, COD, etc.

According to Statista the eCommerce software application market had an estimated value of around 5.1 U.S. dollars in 2018 and is forecasted to grow to approximately 6.3 billion U.S. dollars by 2023 during the forecast period of 2019-2024.

eCommerce app providers should ensure that their apps perform seamlessly during peak days holiday sales like Cyber Monday, Black Friday, etc. These business-critical apps should perform as expected under all networks and user loads to deliver a great shopping experience to customers.


fintech app performance testing

Banking and finance apps have become a part of human lives, as these apps allow users to perform transactions with a single click.

Banking apps have made customer’s lives easy as users can now pay bills, transfer money, book tickets, buy policies, etc., on the go.

According to Mordor Intelligence, the financial services application market was valued at USD 103.99 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach USD 164.01 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 7.89% over the forecast period 2020–2025.

Banking apps should deliver expected performance under peak hours to eliminate chances of a server crash, app crash, stuck payments, etc. High-performing banking apps help businesses to deliver a seamless online banking experience to customers.


EdTech app testing

EdTech apps have gained a lot of importance, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. EdTech apps help teachers, students, and others to connect online.

EdTech apps help teachers provide virtual education to students and allow students to attend online classes, watch videos, and write exams virtually.

According to MarketsandMarkets, the global EdTech and smart classroom market size is expected to grow from USD 85.8 billion in 2020 to USD 181.3 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 16.1% during the forecast period of 2020-2025.

The EdTech apps should perform seamlessly 24/7 under all conditions to ensure great learning and teaching experience for both students and teachers.

Across industries, businesses need scalable, robust, and high-performing apps to deliver a great CX. Hence, businesses should leverage different performance testing types to get seamless apps.

Different Performance Testing Types Businesses should leverage

performance testing types

1. Load testing:

Load testing - performance testing type

This testing method evaluates the potential of an application to work under varying user loads. It is conducted to remove any performance bottlenecks from the system.

2. Stress testing:

 Stress testing - performance testing type

It identifies the breaking point of the software when it is subjected to a user load beyond the expected peak. This testing method verifies the stability & reliability of software applications and measures their robustness and error handling capabilities under extremely heavy load conditions. It also ensures software does not crash under varying conditions.

3. Endurance testing:

 Endurance testing- performance testing type

It checks the system’s performance when it is under significant load (around 70% of peak load) for a longer period (usually 8 hours to 72 hours). This testing method helps in improving the performance, stability, and reliability of the app.

4. Spike testing:

spike testing - performance testing type

It is a subset of stress testing and checks the performance of the software by suddenly varying the no. of users. This testing method also checks if the software can handle fluctuating user loads under varying conditions.

5. Volume testing:

 Volume testing - performance testing type

In this testing, the data load of the software is increased, and its performance is then checked. It helps in providing the volume of data that can be handled by particular software.

6. Scalability testing:

 performance testing type

This test identifies the actual number of users that the system can support with existing hardware capacity.

7. Baseline testing:

 Baseline testing - performance testing type

Each time the software application is updated, performance testing is performed, and baseline metrics of the software application are recorded. These baseline metrics are compared with the results of previously recorded performance metrics. This testing method helps businesses to ensure that a consistent quality of the software is maintained.

8. Benchmark testing:

Benchmark testing - performance testing type

This testing method compares performance testing results against performance metrics based on different industry standards. This software testing method helps businesses ensure that the software’s current and future releases meet high-quality standards.


With the growing business competition and intricate application architecture, the need for high-quality and optimally performing apps is rising in the market. Though millions of apps are available, only the high-performing apps attract the customer and survive the competition. It is a known truth that low-performing apps affect the brand’s reputation and customer experience. Therefore, businesses should leverage performance testing to ensure their critical apps are of high quality and perform seamlessly to deliver a great CX.

How can TestingXperts (Tx) help?

Performance testing service provider

TestingXperts (Tx) helps businesses predict application behaviour and benchmark application performance. Tx ensures the application is responsive, reliable, robust, scalable, and also meets all contractual obligations and SLAs for performance. Tx offers performance & load testing services across domains and technologies, including web-based n-tier applications, client-server applications, SOA-based solutions, or COTS solutions.

We have rich experience in all industry-leading performance testing and monitoring tools, along with expertise in end-to-end application performance testing, including network, database, hardware, etc. We publish a detailed performance testing report for the application with response times, break-point, peak load, memory leaks, resource utilization, uptime, etc. Get in touch with our performance testing experts to know more.

The post Role of Performance Testing for Businesses Across Industries first appeared on TestingXperts.

4 Easy Ways to Maintain Test Automation Suites Mon, 08 Oct 2018 13:50:51 +0000 keyword driven testing

Technology has pushed boundaries that are still unbeknown to many across the globe. Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Virtual Reality (VR), and more are proof that the technologies are emerging at lightning speed and precision. For example, with Test Automation, the aim of eliminating errors and saving time has been successful. Plus, … Continue reading "4 Easy Ways to Maintain Test Automation Suites"

The post 4 Easy Ways to Maintain Test Automation Suites first appeared on TestingXperts.

keyword driven testing

Technology has pushed boundaries that are still unbeknown to many across the globe. Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Virtual Reality (VR), and more are proof that the technologies are emerging at lightning speed and precision. For example, with Test Automation, the aim of eliminating errors and saving time has been successful. Plus, the good news is the Test Automation is not the monopoly of big companies. It has become the cornerstone of most software development and testing organizations.

Contents 1. Automation Testing 2. Ways to Setup and Maintain Ideal Automation Suites 3. Clear Test Data Management Approach 4. Impact analysis of any new enhancement in the application 5. Automate at API level/ lesser UI automation Conclusion

Software development and testing teams increasingly relying on automated checks to ensure their software conforms to a quality level that meets business and customer expectations. This is exactly why many companies have begun to embrace automated technologies. As per a report by Transparency Market Researchthe global test automation market will likely to expand at a robust CAGR of 15.4% from 2017 to 2025 to become worth US$ 109.69 bn by 2025 from US$ 30.45 bn in 2016.

Automation Testing

Automation is reducing the impending software issues and is deemed critical to the success of many software development teams that uses it. However, a common misconception is considering automation as a silver bullet for achieving instant quality. Teams start expecting 100% coverage, no maintenance, and supreme quality delivered overnight from their automation suites. Often there are many clear cases of executing Test Automation only to improve testing speed and quality.

The fact is automated test suites might not make your testing easier, sometimes, it can increase the maintenance burden of your suites. Maintaining a Test Automation suite without ambiguous targets leads to high cost, incompetence to acclimate to change, and failure to recognize the expected ROI.

Automation & QA testing Services Ideal Suites

Ways to Setup and how to maintain automation scripts

1. Clear Test Data Management Approach

One of the biggest challenges test engineers face is handling the test data in automated tests, especially in end-to-end test automation. Frequent changes in the data can make scripts fail. Every time a change is made to the application, it is important to refresh the database, change its status and run the scripts to avoid script failure. With this elementary approach, the refresh data source works with a few test suites, applications, and environments. Another way to avoid this situation is to build a new set of data every time you run the scripts. A clear test data management approach can help in maintaining the test automation suite and contribute to bring a clear ROI.

2. Regular health check of automation suites

Even minor changes can impact an automation suite if the test engineer is not aware of those changes. To avoid any challenges while the tests are running, get regular health checks of the automation suites. Regular checks will ensure automation suites perform as anticipated and give the best results.

3. Impact analysis of any new enhancement in the application

Impact analysis is a significant aspect of responsible Requirements Management. It provides an accurate understanding about the implications of a proposed change in an application, and how it may affect the application. This helps the teams make informed business decisions about the relevant changes to approve. The analysis inspects the proposed change to recognize modules to be created, modified, or rejected and to estimate the effort associated to implement the change. Missing on an impact analysis will not change the size of the task, but it is advised to avoid turning scope into a surprise. Based on the analysis, QA should be planned to update the impacted automated scripts during the sprints itself.

4. Automate at API level/ lesser UI automation

UI tests remain the most common type of automation that the test engineers perform. Most agile teams prefer UI-level automation. However, within a few months they start the automation, the teams often realize the cost of maintaining UI-level tests is comparatively greater than the benefit from the automation. So, test engineers are advised to automate their application at the API level because performing automation at application code not just saves on TCO but also increases the durability of scripts.

Robotic Process Automation and Software testing


To enable your testing efforts, automation of the test suites will be the best solution. However, maintaining this Automation Suite can be a challenge. It is vital to define goals for Test Automation first. Whether you need to accelerate testing to improve time to market, or to test more within the existing time frame, a good Test Automation design can help you achieve goals and intended ROI for automation.

TestingXperts (automated testing company) with its well-thought-out strategies have evolved its practices and have surfaced as the leaders in creating and maintaining best automation suites for its clients. Connect with us to know more about our Test Automation capabilities and how we can help you transform your business with our testing strategies.

Related Queries on Automation Scripts

Q1. what are automation scripts?

Ans: Automation scripts. An automation script consists of a launch point, variables with corresponding binding values, and the source code.

Q2: How to write automation scripts?

Ans:For instance, writing automated test scripts requires expert knowledge of scripting languages. Thus, in order to perform these tasks, you should have QA engineers.

The post 4 Easy Ways to Maintain Test Automation Suites first appeared on TestingXperts.

3 Major Trends Driving Change in the Banking Sector Mon, 30 Oct 2017 08:29:16 +0000 software testing banking sector

Banks and other financial institutions have been facing deep disruption in the form of new regulatory pressures and evolving market demands. They are reconsidering their established processes, priorities, and products, in order to lay the foundations for future success. Contents 1. Major Trends Driving Change in the Banking Sector 2. The significance of Software Testing … Continue reading "3 Major Trends Driving Change in the Banking Sector"

The post 3 Major Trends Driving Change in the Banking Sector first appeared on TestingXperts.

software testing banking sector

Banks and other financial institutions have been facing deep disruption in the form of new regulatory pressures and evolving market demands. They are reconsidering their established processes, priorities, and products, in order to lay the foundations for future success.

Contents 1. Major Trends Driving Change in the Banking Sector 2. The significance of Software Testing in Banking 3. Conclusion

As digital transformation is in full swing, software is regarded as the key to success. Most of the banks have started to hire a fully-fledged team of software developers. The challenge lies in creating high-quality and innovative customer experiences at the speed with which the market is moving, while remaining submissive with shifting market guidelines.


Major Trends Driving Change in the Banking Sector


The banking industry has changed tremendously in recent years, and there are three major trends that have acted as a facilitator.

1. Growing Customer Expectations

The explosion of digitalization and connected devices has made it obvious for customers to expect easy and anytime/anywhere services from financial institutions. In the economic world, this translate into global expectations for fast and hassle-free transactions, whether they are making payments or looking for statements.

2. Digital Disruption

To meet customer expectations, organizations are finding new ways to offer digital services to customers and to provide greater value. Banks have come up with new technologies such as digital wallets, 100% connectivity with wearables for fraud alerts, and much more. Also, new advancements such as blockchains and distributed databases have started to impact on the way banks and financial institutions are doing business these days.

3. Increasing Competition

Today’s market is full of competitors and potential partners hoping to get into the digital wave in the form of new products or brand-new startups that are building modern financial services. Some are directly competitive, while others might be imminent in only a specific part of the institution’s capabilities.

The significance of Software Testing in Banking

A newly set-up digital bank has its own share of technological / business challenges to handle. Software testing has been contributing to digital banking immensely. Some of the advantages are listed below.

User Experience

A digital bank needs to offer an online interface and interaction that can imitate and enhance the interaction of a conversation with a person. The objective should be to push the whole interaction out to the customer and to put them in control. Through a complete workflow / UI testing, one can ensure that the functional navigation is instinctive and simple to use.

Application Performance

Days such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday create a spike in online traffic; more so across the payment gateways. Websites can have performance failures due to heavy traffic and can have a serious effect on the customers. It has become essential that the banking applications are able to handle peak volumes of the payment transaction, etc., in high traffic as well. Application performance testing can, therefore, help in checking the estimated load that the application can withstand.

Transactional Security

Banking portals, by their very nature, are the main targets for fraudulent activities such as hacking. Penetration testing and vulnerability scanners can expose significant system vulnerabilities. It also helps in making the application compliant to international security standards, such as PCI DSS.

Multiple Interfaces

The external feed possesses the main challenge, for which it has to be tested thoroughly. Imitating real-time environment and testing in such conditions can really be a daunting task. To solve some of the challenges in interface testing, choosing the right emulators to replicate a real-time testing environment is really necessary.

Failover and Recovery

The ruggedness of the Failover and Recovery systems do not help in gaining the confidence of the customers or encourage them to transact online. Losing out on an alluring deal or money getting stuck in transit is a major put off and can lead to customer alienation. Testing for accessibility and business continuity is imperative.

Testing Strategies to Overcome Digital Disruption in the Banking Industry


The team at TestingXperts specializes in providing testing solutions to the banking and financial services industry. TestingXperts has been working with the largest banks and various other financial organizations, across geographies, to help them embark on their digital journey.

Our intelligent platform ‘Tx-Automate’ augments our independent testing services and addresses gaps in commercial tools to improve test authoring and execution productivity by 25% and early defect detection by 40%.

The post 3 Major Trends Driving Change in the Banking Sector first appeared on TestingXperts.
