Continous testing Wed, 07 Sep 2022 11:04:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Can Continuous Testing Ensure Continuous Quality Mon, 17 Apr 2017 12:29:00 +0000 Can-Continuous-Testing-Ensure-Continuous-Quality

The infotainment and the entertainment industry has experienced extraordinary changes over the past. Television, which was considered to be an ‘idiot box’ has now been replaced by smart televisions having numerous prodigious features. Contents 1. Role of Continuous Testing 2. Continuous Testing Objectives 3. Continuous Testing Ensuring Continuous Quality 4. How TestingXperts can help you … Continue reading "Can Continuous Testing Ensure Continuous Quality"

The post Can Continuous Testing Ensure Continuous Quality first appeared on TestingXperts.


The infotainment and the entertainment industry has experienced extraordinary changes over the past. Television, which was considered to be an ‘idiot box’ has now been replaced by smart televisions having numerous prodigious features.


1. Role of Continuous Testing 2. Continuous Testing Objectives 3. Continuous Testing Ensuring Continuous Quality 4. How TestingXperts can help you achieve continuous quality 5. Read more blogs on Continuous Testing

With the arrival of online channels, the entertainment industry has been progressively reintroducing itself by providing features such as a movie on demand. These days, you do not have to wait for a movie to come on TV, you can place an order, and the movie will be available to you in seconds. Likewise, the LIVE streaming of a cricket match on your smart device has become a new-age innovation. You carry the world in your smart device!

Role of Continuous Testing

These digital innovations require a seamless experience. However, do we know the real reason behind these digital innovations, and how to deliver a seamless experience every time? Pioneering software testing approaches such as DevOps, Agile, and Shift-Right have been ruling the software development cycle and forming a great impact. The intense emphasis on continuous testing and continuous delivery has made organizations move towards it, to deliver software that accurately reflects the end-user need.

In this challenging and changing phase, it is important for every enterprise to showcase quality in their offerings and deliver vigorous applications. This indicates that the key to effective delivery is performance, which comes with continuous software testing. Testing has become an end-to-end, cross-functional operation, collaboratively involving all teams throughout the product lifecycle. Continuous testing applies methods and concepts of agile development to the testing and QA process, resulting in greater efficiency.

Continuous Testing Objectives:

• Flawless delivery

• Faster time to market

• Assured efficiency

• A holistic view of the application quality

While there are several testing tools available in the market, it is imperative to understand the relevance of these tools for your business. Continuous testing is a process where automation is the critical factor – establishing an  end-to-end automation testing solution that’s integrated with existing continuous integration and continuous delivery processes.

Continuous Testing Ensuring Continuous Quality

Continuous testing helps ensure that quality is built in from the requirements while validating each component at the development level before it enters the system. Meanwhile, iterative QA starts from day one. Defects and uncertainty of changing user needs can be resolved as they emerge, avoiding late rework and damage to the ultimate user experience. Design, test, and development assets are all built on users’ desired functionality and are maintained consistently as this changes. Meanwhile, the software is accurately deployed, resulting in better-quality software delivered earlier and at less cost.

Continuous Testing Best Practices

How TestingXperts can help you achieve continuous quality

DevOps is an integral part of delivering efficient software. To reach the continuous delivery stage with continuous quality, enterprises need to do more than just adopt some DevOps tools. Enterprises need to reinvent their old school practices supporting traditional methodologies.

TestingXperts, as a frontrunner in adopting agile methodologies and DevOps practices, can help you automate your tests, achieve timely delivery schedules, and strengthen your agile process. Know more about our Agile and DevOps methodologies and allow us to help you deliver your software applications faster and better.

Read more blogs on Continuous Testing:

1. Continuous Testing: Missing Link for Continuous Delivery 2. Enable Continuous Testing with Shift Left and Shift Right Approach
3. 4 Best Practices of Continuous Testing You Must know

The post Can Continuous Testing Ensure Continuous Quality first appeared on TestingXperts.

Ensure Continuous Delivery in Agile Testing Cycles with Test Automation Wed, 18 Jan 2017 08:21:17 +0000 Quality @ speed is what every enterprise strives for these days. With increasing business demands to accelerate time-to-market, more and more companies have started migrating from traditional development methods to continuous delivery that are based on agile philosophy. This modern approach allows software to be developed and deployed in short cycles. Contents 1. Test automation … Continue reading "Ensure Continuous Delivery in Agile Testing Cycles with Test Automation"

The post Ensure Continuous Delivery in Agile Testing Cycles with Test Automation first appeared on TestingXperts.

{ "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Test automation and Continuous Delivery", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Manual methods have become arduous and outdated, given the tremendous pressure on companies to continuously innovate, develop and deliver. This puts a lot of onus on regression testing. Given the enormous effort required for manual regression testing, it has now become necessary to automate tests as far as possible. Click here to read more ." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Implementing Test Automation", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Enterprises are spending too much effort and costs on regression testing due to the constant changes in the environment and applications. Test Automation helps in accelerating the regression test efforts in an economical way. It also helps in providing 24×7 unattended implementation. Click here to read more ." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Benefits of Test Automation", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Projects running on agile mode will have to make sure that every sprint accommodates in-sprint automation in addition to the regular regression automation to achieve bigger benefits. This ensures applications with quality@speed in production. Click here to read more ." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "Why TestingXperts?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text":"TestingXperts’ test automation framework Tx-Automate helps in drastically reducing the effort to kick-start automation and improve the existing framework. It also helps in enhancing quality and consistency of testing by removing all possible manual errors and at the same time increases the test coverage, making the testing process efficient and competent."} }] }

Quality @ speed is what every enterprise strives for these days. With increasing business demands to accelerate time-to-market, more and more companies have started migrating from traditional development methods to continuous delivery that are based on agile philosophy. This modern approach allows software to be developed and deployed in short cycles.

Contents 1. Test automation and Continuous Delivery 2. Implementing Test Automation 3. Benefits of Test Automation 4. Conclusion

Companies are rapidly embracing devOps and agile practices to accelerate the software delivery to cope with the strict demands of the market. The modern landscape of software testing not only focuses on speedy delivery but also necessitates quality. It becomes imperative for the companies to follow a continuous schedule that encourages frequent releases without affecting the quality.


Test automation and Continuous Delivery


Manual methods have become arduous and outdated, given the tremendous pressure on companies to continuously innovate, develop and deliver. This puts a lot of onus on regression testing.  Given the enormous effort required for manual regression testing, it has now become necessary to automate tests as far as possible.

Software testing needs a vigilant and thorough process of impersonating an end user trying various input scenarios, asserting and comparing expected behaviors. Using automated tools for certain programmable parts of the test suite can help in a faster software delivery. Test automation implemented well can ensure that the right tests are implemented at the right time to reduce overall test cycle time. Automated tests have proven to meet all kinds of customer demands.


Implementing Test Automation


Enterprises are spending too much effort and costs on regression testing due to the constant changes in the environment and applications. Test Automation helps in accelerating the regression test efforts in an economical way. It also helps in providing 24×7 unattended implementation.

The main objective of executing an automation program is to fast track testing and reduce the overall cycle time. This also helps in using resources efficiently and appropriately.  However, there are a variety of tools available these days, both open source and commercial. Organizations need to carefully evaluate what suits and integrates well to provide optimum results.


Benefits of Test Automation


Projects running on agile mode will have to make sure that every sprint accommodates in-sprint automation in addition to the regular regression automation to achieve bigger benefits.  This ensures applications with quality@speed in production.


TestingXperts’ test automation framework Tx-Automate helps in drastically reducing the effort to kick-start automation and improve the existing framework. It also helps in enhancing quality and consistency of testing by removing all possible manual errors and at the same time increases the test coverage, making the testing process efficient and competent.

For queries related to continuous delivery in agile testing cycles and how TestingXperts can help, drop us a line at

The post Ensure Continuous Delivery in Agile Testing Cycles with Test Automation first appeared on TestingXperts.
