QA company Tue, 23 Aug 2022 11:38:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA Services Mon, 16 Apr 2018 10:14:36 +0000 Reasons To Outsource Quality Assurance Services

2018 continues to be a year where technological trends like machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, SaaS, Smart devices, intelligent systems continue to make a deep impact on businesses. The digitalization of business and collaborative launches have led to increasing dependence on software for all kinds of jobs. Contents 1. QA Outsourcing 2. Why Outsource QA … Continue reading "Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA Services"

The post Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA Services first appeared on TestingXperts.

Reasons To Outsource Quality Assurance Services

2018 continues to be a year where technological trends like machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, SaaS, Smart devices, intelligent systems continue to make a deep impact on businesses. The digitalization of business and collaborative launches have led to increasing dependence on software for all kinds of jobs.

Contents 1. QA Outsourcing 2. Why Outsource QA Services 5. Conclusion

Consequently, this has increased the costs of testing, overheads of testing tools, testing infrastructure, and the right skill set to implement them. In this competitive industry, the costs associated with botched applications continue to rise and deeply impact enterprises not just for financial reasons, but also with the company’s image. Consequently, this has amplified the focus on QA and software testing within the SDLC.

QA Outsourcing

In this day and age, testing has become multi-dimensional as it works with an Omni-channel objective. Expertise, strategy, infrastructure, best practices, and skilled resources are what you need to bring out the best in the approach. However, opting for outsourcing Quality Assurance services can be an important option for any organization both from a financial and technical perspective. Let’s identify the prime reasons why outsourcing QA services can prove to be a significant decision for organizations.

Why Outsource QA Services?

1. Experience and Expertise

QA and software testing requires extensive experience and expertise. Therefore, it is imperative to choose a well-established and accomplished partner, well-equipped with the latest trends, best practices, and strategies in QA and software testing domain. Simultaneously, an efficient testing partner would have a good understanding of the emerging technologies like IoT. A specialist testing partner can bring the best-in-class human resources for your project.

2. Flexibility

The most evident reason for outsourcing is to have the right resources with the right skill sets readily available with the flexibility that is needed by your business. QA and testing partners have proficient teams that are updated with the right technology required which can be deployed at short notice. Thus, flexibility is a major reason why you should consider outsourcing QA services.

3. Cost-effectiveness

Cost is a significant factor to consider, though, it should not become a reason to hire amateur resources, which can be costlier in the longer run. Therefore, it is recommended to outsource QA services to a well-recognized and a specialist company.

4. Focus on core business processes

Outsourcing enables you to free your own valuable resources to do the work which adds more value to your organization.

Artificial Intelligence & Its Impact On Software Testing Industry


Enterprises are in dire need of robust applications but with quality and speed. To ensure superior quality and to avoid conflicts around primacies, testing should be considered as a separate function undertaken by different teams or companies. Outsourcing an important function like QA can enable organizations to concentrate on core activities and innovation, whereas the QA and testing providers work proficiently, ensuring quality outcomes and positive business results.

Here is how we at TestingXperts can help your organization in providing QA and software testing services. Our experience and expertise, coupled with flexible models provides you a cost-effective option for your organization to focus on your core business processes.

The post Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Outsource QA Services first appeared on TestingXperts.

Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Software Testing Industry Mon, 08 Jan 2018 14:25:30 +0000 artificial-intelligence-testing

Software testing industry is becoming extensive with each passing day. Applications these days have started interacting seamlessly with other applications through APIs. With the sudden increase in the technology challenges, applications are growing in complexity, which creates an incessant need for effective software testing. Contents 1. Importance of Artificial Intelligence 2. Why do we need … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Software Testing Industry"

The post Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Software Testing Industry first appeared on TestingXperts.


Software testing industry is becoming extensive with each passing day. Applications these days have started interacting seamlessly with other applications through APIs. With the sudden increase in the technology challenges, applications are growing in complexity, which creates an incessant need for effective software testing.

Contents 1. Importance of Artificial Intelligence 2. Why do we need Artificial Intelligence in Software Testing? 3. How Artificial Intelligence benefits software testers? 4. What are the AI tools for software testing? 5. In Conclusion

Software testing is the only premeditated way where an application can be observed under certain conditions and where testers can recognize the risks involved in the software implementation. Testing, on the other hand, is gradually transitioning to greater automation to ensure maximum precision and accuracy in the journey towards digital transformation. In an attempt to make the application foolproof, the world is turning towards Artificial Intelligence (AI). This implies that instead of manual testing and human intervention, we are moving towards a situation where machines will be slowly taking over.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence

Simply put, Artificial intelligence (AI)is the science behind computers performing tasks that are traditionally performed by humans. AI provides machines with the skill to process information about its conditions and learns to adapt to the transformations with problem solving techniques. Machines are learning faster than ever given the technology advancements. The computer is fed with a huge amount of data to adapt as per a set of inputs so that it can identify patterns and logic and as a result make an effective connection between similar input and output pairs. It is through machine learning that websites like Amazon and Netflix are able to deliver targeted ads to their customers by using huge amounts of data based on the web pages the customer searches. Personal assistants like Google Assistant, Alex, and others use AI technology extensively to deliver results.

Machine Learning has come a long way with people using it to drive cars without a human. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become quite famous in the field of healthcare also as it is used to identify cancerous tumors. As Artificial Intelligence begins to progress, technology experts across the globe are finding ways to leverage its potential in the software testing field as well. It is only a matter of sometimes when training applications to be familiar with problems for agile and more efficient testing becomes a reality.

Why do we need Artificial Intelligence in Software Testing?

Software testing is usually a time-consuming process. Artificial Intelligence ai is the best choice for developers looking for faster deployments with insufficient infrastructure. It is best to leave the arduous work to the Artificial Intelligence-powered automation which leaves only 20% of the testing work to human ingenious and cognitive ability. It would ensure more fail-safe results as hand-crafted testing does not only require extensive human hours but is also susceptible to imprecisions and discrepancies.

Adopting to the algorithms of Artificial Intelligence will help the testing industry to provide smart productive software for their users. Also, the inclusion of AI into the software development lifecycle effectively helps the developer and testing teams to find and resolve the errors quickly before the software becomes available for QA teams. The methodology helps in speeding up the software testing process as the repetitive tasks can be efficiently performed and this can result in saving more money and time.

How Artificial Intelligence benefits software testers?

Reduces the test-cycle time:

With the AI methodology, it is easier for a tester to understand which test cases are required to be executed in each test cycle. AI is efficient in gathering data from the previous test executions made for the application. This helps AI to easily identify when any changes are made in the code. Also, it automatically states the test suites as per the application risk. The application risks are defined by considering several factors such as the most used parts of the application, tests having the risk of failure or complexity, etc. This way of finding defects at earliest and running the test cases that can get affected at the start of a test cycle helps to receive faster feedback from delivery teams and ensures to find solutions when any defects are identified.

Helps to find bugs faster:


Unlike the traditional test methods, the AI methodology is an expert to find the defects faster in applications. In the previous methods, error detection was at the later period and this resulted in several drawbacks for the app before its launch. AI helps in automating the processes, it automatically corrects the code and assigns bug tracking to the QA teams. This effectively benefits the teams to track the errors at the earliest and achieve a bug-free app before production.

Encourages Script Execution:


There is no need to perform a test script automation when using AI because test scripts are executed automatically by the AI. Also, it enhances test cases to be more stable so that there won’t be any change experienced when the locators get changed.

Improves the speed of Test Coverage:


AI is efficient for increasing the scope and depth of the test cases. AI monitors the memory, file contents, internal programs, and data tables of the app to verify the functionality is as needed or not. Also, with the use of the AI-powered test automation tools, thousands of test cases can be executed in one test run. This ability of AI effectively helps in speeding up the test coverage.

Reduces Costs Requirements:


Bugs or the errors in the application can become expensive when they are not resolved at the earliest. With the help of AI, instant feedback can help to find and resolve the errors at the earliest and this significantly helps in cost savings. In addition to this, AI is even more efficient to sort files, detect errors and scan code at a lesser time. This reduces the effort of manual work and human errors and thus, yields more accurate results at a lesser cost. 

Improves Accuracy:


A well-experienced tester can even make mistakes while carrying out repetitive tasks in manual testing. This is the reason automation came into effect to reduce the scope of repetitive tasks. When automation is powered with AI, the repetitive tasks are performed by the AI and the testing teams are provided with the scope to perform exploratory activities and find automation solutions. Thus, the time consumption is reduced and the accuracy for achieving quality results increases. 

What are the AI tools for software testing?

– Functionize

– EggPlant AI

– AppVance

– Testim

– Applitools

– TestCraft


Build Business Agility with Software And QA Testing Services

In Conclusion

Digital Transformation is becoming impossible without the implementation of new and emerging technologies. The consumer market has become dynamic, organizations that do not leverage these technologies will end up way behind in the race. Businesses need to experiment and innovate to make their product success with the end-user. This can only be possible when these technologies are tested extensively against the odds and under all conditions.

TestingXperts brings machine learning together with analytics to unleash the power of software testing and drive automation and innovation, consequently improving QA efficiencies. Our intelligent frameworks are based on industry best practices and standards, to efficiently evaluate clients’ testing maturity. Connect with our experts to understand and improve all QA focus areas across the delivery lifecycle.

The post Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on the Software Testing Industry first appeared on TestingXperts.

Enable a Future-Ready Global Enterprise with a Core-Flex Model Tue, 08 Aug 2017 10:57:17 +0000 global-enterprise-corex-model

Business enterprises across the globe are facing common challenges of unpredictability in their business environment, augmented client expectations, technology upgrades. As the business grows, a company’s QA needs do not grow in the same linear fashion. There are peaks and valleys in staffing needs. Businesses that try to manage these needs with internal staffing solutions … Continue reading "Enable a Future-Ready Global Enterprise with a Core-Flex Model"

The post Enable a Future-Ready Global Enterprise with a Core-Flex Model first appeared on TestingXperts.


Business enterprises across the globe are facing common challenges of unpredictability in their business environment, augmented client expectations, technology upgrades. As the business grows, a company’s QA needs do not grow in the same linear fashion. There are peaks and valleys in staffing needs. Businesses that try to manage these needs with internal staffing solutions encounter  challenges such as

– Overstaffing during the valleys – resulting in wasted cost – Understaffing during the peak – longer time to market, resulting in lost opportunity – Pulling non-QA resources into to QA – resulting in opportunity cost (i.e. not doing the other work) and a dip in quality as they are not professional testers – Trying to manage with contractors – resulting in higher training costs and brain drain because as soon as you invest in training someone, the contract ends.  On the next peak, you end up with a different resource, resulting in the need to train a new resource.

Core-Flex Model: The Solution

An independent software testing provider helps clients solve the above challenges with a Core-Flex model. A Core-flex model consists of a dedicated core team that provides business knowledge and process continuity and flex teams that enable rapid scalability to support real-world business dynamics. Implementing a Core-Flex model with an independent QA partner allows companies to maximize productivity of QA and optimize QA expenditures.  In addition, the client can “plug and play” resources with niche skills (performance, big data, API, accessibility, multi-lingual) when needed and roll those resources off when they are not.


TestingXperts’ Core-Flex Model

TestingXperts’ Core-Flex model provides a mechanism to ramp up and down resources to match your needs quickly. In this model, we train an initial team (core team) and additional resources to the address peak team size and specialized skills that may be required (Flex team). On a week by week basis, we coordinate with our clients to ramp up and down the team to match their testing needs. Our clients have the advantage to only pay for resources that they have actually used. The benefits of TestingXperts’ core-flex model include:

– Elasticity in staffing – No brain-drain from resources – Costs aligned with business need – Access to niche testing skills when needed

The post Enable a Future-Ready Global Enterprise with a Core-Flex Model first appeared on TestingXperts.
