software testing companies Fri, 27 Jan 2023 13:53:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How AI Can Be Leveraged In All Aspects Of Testing Mon, 12 Nov 2018 16:16:33 +0000 ai testing

QA has become a critical enabler for businesses that are in the digital space. To achieve digital transformation businesses should embrace the latest technologies in their software development process and build a strong data engineering foundation to fuel innovation. In this article, let’s look at how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be leveraged in various aspects … Continue reading "How AI Can Be Leveraged In All Aspects Of Testing"

The post How AI Can Be Leveraged In All Aspects Of Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.

ai testing

QA has become a critical enabler for businesses that are in the digital space. To achieve digital transformation businesses should embrace the latest technologies in their software development process and build a strong data engineering foundation to fuel innovation. In this article, let’s look at how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be leveraged in various aspects of Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Engineering (QE), to increase speed in software development and ultimately help businesses achieve digital transformation.

Contents 1. How does Artificial Intelligence work? 2. Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in QA testing 3. Write tests – faster, better and cheaper 4. Requirements gathering – better than the best human 5. Exploratory testing made easy 6. Find system errors and new patterns of failure 7. Re-use test cases 8. Faster decision making 9. UI regression – visual UI testing and monitoring 10. Greatest code coverage with limited time 11. What are the AI Powered test automation tools? 12. Conclusion

According to the latest World Quality Report 2018-19, AI is going to be among the biggest trends in QA & testing for the next decade, and organizations will need to develop a strategy around it.

Adopting Artificial Intelligence and automating software testing has become inevitable, especially to get up to speed on the state of QA.

How does Artificial Intelligence work?

AI uses machine learning to give a machine the ability to learn and respond. AI works with the combination of a large amount of data and intelligent algorithms with an underlying fast and well-defined iterative process. AI is a field of study that includes different methods, theories, technologies and includes several subfields such as Machine learning (ML), Neural Network, Deep Learning, Cognitive Computing, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

The concept of Artificial intelligence is classified into two types based on the capabilities and its functionalities.

Classification Based on AI Capabilities:

1. Narrow Artificial Intelligence: 

It is one of the streams in AI, that is prominent to perform single tasks with intelligence. Since it has limits defined, it cannot perform beyond its limitations. This makes intelligence also known as weak AI.

2. General Artificial Intelligence:

General AI is the type of intelligence that can perform any task with similar intellectual efficiency as humans. The idea behind General AI is to have systems which will be able to think and react like human.

3. Super Artificial Intelligence:

Super AI is the superior level of intelligence that can surpass human intelligence. It has been derived from General AI and it is capable to perform tasks much better than human intelligence.

Classification Based on AI Functionality:

1. Reactive Machines:

This type of machine is the basic type of AI machine. These do not store any memory of previous actions or future actions. The machine types only work by considering the present scenarios and reacting to them with possible actions.

2. Limited Memory:

This machine type stores its previous memories and experiences for a shorter period of time as they have a limited time to store data.

3. Self-Awareness AI:

These machines are expected to be super intelligent and have their decision-making functionality. Though these are not in existence yet, the hypothetical concept makes Self-awareness AI can be seen as the future of AI.

All the above-mentioned AI types and methodologies can be effectively leveraged to ensure effective software testing. Some of the significant benefits of AI in testing are given below.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in QA testing

ai powered testing

Write tests – faster, better and cheaper

Developing patterns and test cases to test how an application performs is time-consuming if it is done by a human. AI-based tools can automatically write tests for an application or system by spidering, i.e., collect data, capture screenshots and do more. Hence, AI-based testing cut costs and save time.

Requirements gathering – better than the best human

The challenge that we commonly see in the software development and testing process is our human inability to fully understand and review the requirements. The intelligent assistants understand software requirements and limitations of complex systems, which would support better requirements gathering than a human in most cases. AI also helps in defining test requirements based on the latest trends and marketing competitiveness.

Example: To develop an eCommerce site, AI can help collect and review requirements based on competition.

Exploratory testing made easy

Since AI-based testing is trained on the collective knowledge of all people that work in the team, it helps in identifying various scenarios effortlessly. The intelligent assistants are not just used to perform testing, but also used as background tools that capture test data, and user behaviours by navigating through an application or system and recording default test cases.

artificial intelligence

Find system errors and new patterns of failure

When it comes to analyzing logs, AI-based analysis is already here. With AI, data-mining logs for errors and performance, and identifying the root cause of problems are made easy. Each call can have multiple sub-calls, where leveraging AI can seamlessly track and identify which part is consuming more time. Al-based tools conduct performance analysis as well as ensure the security of an application or system as they identify any potential attempts of unauthorized access to the system.

Re-use test cases

AI-based automation helps in creating well-written test cases and reusing these test cases much faster and better since the artificial intelligence or ML-based tool crawl system or an application, collects its crucial data by capturing screenshots, measuring load time, and analyzing basic UI elements and more.

Faster decision making

In this DevOps world, most test decisions, such as what tests need to be performed and the impact-analysis decision need to be taken very quickly. It means people need to think faster, better and smarter. Leveraging AI-based tools, instantaneous and effective decisions can be made and applications can be tested faster.

UI regression – visual UI testing and monitoring

To make sure the recent code changes have no effect on the existing features is a painful thing. The functionality of an application plus user satisfaction plays a crucial role because for a user the backend API doesn’t matter. What matters the most is the User Connect. Machines can be accurate than humans here, and analyze outcomes of regression testing more effectively and effortlessly.

Greatest code coverage with limited time

AI-based tools help identify gaps in requirement coverage and code coverage, accordingly more tests can be planned to bridge the gaps. These tests could be based on user flows, real-time interaction, keyword, and data-driven approach. Ultimately, helping businesses achieve 100% code coverage.

What are the AI test automation tools?

AppVance: This tool uses AI for generating test cases as per the behavior of the user. It is the only test automation system providing level-5 autonomy and helps to generate AI-scripting tests 100k faster than humans. Also, it is prominent in finding more number of bugs.

TestCraft: This tool is a leading AI test automation tool for monitoring web applications. Also, this tool is used for performing continuous and regression testing on applications. The efficient AI technology is prominent for eliminating the cost and maintenance of the application.

Applitools: This tool is capable to perform automated visual and functional tests across browsers, operating systems, screen resolutions, etc. It is an effective end-to-end software testing platform with Visual AI-powered to help professionals in test automation, DevOps, Digital transformation, engineering, etc.

Functionize: This is a cloud-based automation testing technology tool. It helps the testers to perform load, functional, and performance testing. Also, it uses AI and ML for reviewing several components such as maintenance, test creation, execution, diagnosis, and analytics. This tool helps to create, edit, run, and maintain end-to-end tests. Also, it makes the testing to be scalable, faster and aligned as per the work followed by the teams. Also, this tool is efficient to get integrated with several tools such as Jenkins, Jira, Slack, SauceLabs, Applitools, etc.


While AI-based testing is going to be smarter as it automates software testing, there is still a need for progress in implementing the AI-assisted testing effectively for business. AI today merely automates testing activities based on the data provided by human testers. So, human testers need to understand the significance of their ideal role, to be the Automator and to leverage AI-based automation techniques that will shape the future of software testing in various or all aspects of the testing.

For more information on implementing AI-assisted testing, contact us.

The post How AI Can Be Leveraged In All Aspects Of Testing first appeared on TestingXperts.

7 WAYS DOMAIN SPECIALIZATION PLAYS A KEY ROLE IN EVOLVING QA PRACTICES Thu, 27 Sep 2018 14:28:38 +0000 qa-domain-specialization-practices

Earlier, the QA industry had a horizontal focus and was the same across various business domains. But, today the industry inclined towards specialization; to be precise the domain specialization has become a must. This verticalization of the QA industry is bridging the gap between business users and IT teams, thus, helping increase the significance of … Continue reading "7 WAYS DOMAIN SPECIALIZATION PLAYS A KEY ROLE IN EVOLVING QA PRACTICES"



Earlier, the QA industry had a horizontal focus and was the same across various business domains. But, today the industry inclined towards specialization; to be precise the domain specialization has become a must. This verticalization of the QA industry is bridging the gap between business users and IT teams, thus, helping increase the significance of the work/product delivered to end-users. Therefore, it is important for QA teams to have a profound knowledge of their business domain before testing an application.

Ways How Domain Specialization Plays a Role in Evolving QA Practices

To consider QA teams as quality gatekeepers, their understanding of the domain must match the required industry standards. In this infographic, we will discuss the 7 major ways how the domain specialization plays a key role in evolving QA practices


Click to download here


Why Tech Startups Should Not Ignore Software Testing Types Mon, 17 Sep 2018 14:54:00 +0000 Software testing services for startups

According to Statista, in 2012, testing and quality assurance consumed 18% of IT companies’ budget that has now reached to 39% and will be 40% in 2019.  Established companies have started realizing the importance of software testing. However, there is a dire need for technology startups to follow the same. Technology startups often face uncertainties … Continue reading "Why Tech Startups Should Not Ignore Software Testing Types"

The post Why Tech Startups Should Not Ignore Software Testing Types first appeared on TestingXperts.

Software testing services for startups

According to Statista, in 2012, testing and quality assurance consumed 18% of IT companies’ budget that has now reached to 39% and will be 40% in 2019. 

Established companies have started realizing the importance of software testing. However, there is a dire need for technology startups to follow the same. Technology startups often face uncertainties and funding roadblocks. However, there is a great reason for startups to opt Software Testing; and the reason is Quality.

Contents 1. Limitations of a Technology Startup 2. Major Goals and Objectives of Software Testing 3. Software Testing Types that Shouldn’t Be Ignored 4. Conclusion

While a few bugs early in the software development phase might not seem a big deal, but software defects are known to be costly post its product-release. In fact, IBM states that the cost of errors increases dramatically as your software solution progresses through the development cycle. It’s about 30 times more expensive to fix a bug after release than during the initial stages.

Cost of errors in Software testing & QA [Image Source – IBM]

Limitations of a Technology Startup

Just like any other enterprise, technology startups have their limitations and challenges in software testing. These include lack of budgets, time and resources that have to be allocated to testing. Let us discuss these challenges in detail.

1. Time:

There is a constant pressure for startups to release a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) fast to get quick returns. Most startups perceive releasing their product in the market and fixing the bugs later upon identified by users/market is a good idea. However, they fail to realize that post-production testing takes a lot of time as there is a need to rework on the same piece of code every time they make a change. Hence, more time is involved in finding and correcting bugs at this stage.

2. Resources:

Like every coin has two sides, startups also come with the excitement of learning something new and dealing with the constant pressure of wearing multiple hats. Most startups don’t have a dedicated department for testing, their development teams perform the necessary tests. Therefore, they might overlook some bugs due to the lack of dedicated resources for testing.

3. Budget:

Budget constraints are a harsh reality for startups, and this is the reason software testing is overlooked. Additional headcount means extra expenses. The cost associated with finding bugs posts the production stage is way higher than finding them during the development stage.

4. Thought Leadership:

Often, technology startups lack a Thought Leadership team having a strategic planning of QA activities. The tools to use, the number of resources to involve, the total amount of time QA activities consume and the overall costs are often overlooked by startups. This makes it difficult for technology startups to release a certain application.

Understanding how to overcome the above limitations can help technology startups define their strategy. Under no circumstances should software testing be overlooked or dismissed.

Major Goals and Objectives of Software Testing

– Finding defects in the software to allow a smooth process

– Evaluating the level of a product’s quality and informing the stakeholder

– Ensuring that the final results match business specifications and user requirements

– Increasing profit potential

– Gaining customer loyalty by offering a quality product

Software Testing Types  that Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Here are a few types of software testing that should never be ignored:

Exploratory Testing

For a new application, exploratory testing is exceptionally important to lay the foundation of quality. Exploratory testing is an ad-hoc process, where the tester manually goes through the software in search of finding bugs.

Regression Testing

Testing is not a one-off process, every time a change is made to the code, there is a regression test to ensure the code has not broken the previous functioning features.

Performance Testing

Providing faster performance is the best way to establish a loyal user and vice versa. Application load time is an important factor that helps in keeping your users happy. The performance testing process ensures that the application loads quickly and can handle expected traffic.

User Acceptance Testing & QA Services


When you are a new player in the market, quality will set you apart and help you grow. A simple formula to make your technology startup a hit is to keep your users happy and provide them with a seamless experience while they browse your application. Ignoring testing from your plan can probably cost you and your customers.

TestingXperts provide startups with unique plans according to their needs and in their budgets. Our core-flex models help in dealing with the inconsistent resource requirements of our startup clients. We offer flexible engagement models to facilitate our clients with optimized QA resource planning. This meets their fluctuating requirements at any time of their contract and saves unncessary budget leakage. Connect with us to have a unique software testing services plan for your startup.

The post Why Tech Startups Should Not Ignore Software Testing Types first appeared on TestingXperts.

Security Threats Are Haunting the E-commerce Industry. How Can Security Testing Help Mon, 20 Aug 2018 15:44:40 +0000 security testing

Cybersecurity has become one of the crucial features of the e-commerce industry. Without maintaining proper security practices, online merchants put themselves and their customers at high risk for payment fraud. Smaller companies have a higher risk of security scams due to inadequate internet security from cybercrimes. Contents 1. Major Threats to an e-commerce company 2. … Continue reading "Security Threats Are Haunting the E-commerce Industry. How Can Security Testing Help"

The post Security Threats Are Haunting the E-commerce Industry. How Can Security Testing Help first appeared on TestingXperts.

security testing

Cybersecurity has become one of the crucial features of the e-commerce industry. Without maintaining proper security practices, online merchants put themselves and their customers at high risk for payment fraud. Smaller companies have a higher risk of security scams due to inadequate internet security from cybercrimes.

Contents 1. Major Threats to an e-commerce company 2. Phishing attacks 3. Credit card fraud 4. Cross-Site Scripting 5. Distributed Denial of Service or DDoS Attacks 5. Bad Bots Aiming at E-commerce Industry 6. Solution: Extensive Security Testing

According to recent reports, one in five small business retailers falls prey to credit card fraud every year.

Not just hacking, but accepting fraudulent payment has also become a huge risk for all e-commerce companies. These security issues not only cause financial consequences but also hamper a brand’s reputation. Especially at the time of the big sales like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, these fraudulent activities increase as the number of customers on the website increases. Last year’s Black Fridaysale records speak for themselves.

According to Adobe Analytics, U.S. retailers earned a record $7.9 billion on November 24, 2017, an increase of nearly 18% from 2016.

This activity pushed Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’s net worth past $100 billion the day after 2017 Thanksgiving.

Major Threats to an e-commerce company

E-commerce security risks can be caused accidentally, intentionally or can be caused by a human error. The most predominant cybersecurity threats include phishing attacks, credit card fraud, DDoS Attacks, unprotected online services, etc. The user data such as login credentials, credit card numbers, etc. are some sensitive information that is protected by a customer. However, when it comes to e-commerce websites, we do not think and put our card number, CVV, and other information demanded by the e-commerce companies to make our transaction successful without being aware of its security.

ecommerce cyber attacks

Here are the main types of security threats to an e-commerce company.

1. Phishing attacks

Phishing attacks target user data like login credentials and credit card numbers. These attacks use social engineering methods where an attacker poses as a trusted entity and deceives a victim into opening an email or a text message.

2. Credit card fraud

There are several areas within an e-commerce website that aids as a point of interruption for a hacker to take payment and user information. An attacker by using malware extracts credit card information and sells the data. After this, the fraud is committed to mining the highest value possible through ATM withdrawals, e-commerce transactions, etc.

3. Cross-Site Scripting

This form of cyber attacks gives attackers access to the user’s information that is stored in the user’s computer. In this attack, the attacker inserts a JavaScript snippet on a vulnerable web page, and to a browser, it looks like a normal script and is executed in a normal manner. These attacks leave the website vulnerable to phishing attempts or malware installation.

4. SQL Injection

Website security SQL injection can shake any website using an SQL database, which includes various well-known e-commerce platforms like Magento. In this type of attack, a hacker inserts malicious SQL statements in a payload which looks like an authentic SQL inquiry. The attacker creates an administrative account for himself, erase database entries, or view private information if they manage to access the database.

5. Distributed Denial of Service or DDoS Attacks

High-profile e-commerce sites are susceptible to DDoS attacks, and smaller e-commerce sites may also be vulnerable if their DNS provider is targeted. This attack aims to take down the site by disturbing servers with requests. This attack overloads the servers, slowing them down considerably and taking the site temporarily offline, averting legitimate users from accessing the site or completing orders.

6. Bad Bots Aiming at E-commerce Industry

Bots are prevailing all over the Internet, and they can be both good and bad. Good bots are generally used by search engines to index and crawl the websites for search results. Whereas, bad bots gather information from websites such as card details, login details, etc. or take over real accounts by guesstimating the passwords.

According to a recent industry report, 97% of sites are hit with some sort of bad bots. For e-commerce sites, bad bots account for an average of 15.6% of a website’s traffic, with good bots accounting for 9.3% of traffic.

It’s a huge risk to e-commerce websites and applications.

Penetration testing services provider

Solution: Security Testing

Using the right security testing methods, e-commerce companies can minimize the threat of fraud and instill trust within their customer base. By performing stringent security tests on an e-commerce website/application, companies can significantly reduce the number of errors and create a shield for your website before it is launched in the market. Hence, before your company becomes prey to the attackers and before it gets too late, make sure you evaluate your current testing program and consider executing end-to-end security testing.

TestingXperts has wide industry experience and has been handling a number of e-commerce clients for their security testing and other software testing and QA requirements.Connect with us to know how we can help your brand in creating a better and securer website/application.

The post Security Threats Are Haunting the E-commerce Industry. How Can Security Testing Help first appeared on TestingXperts.

Leveraging Cloud-based Infrastructure for Testing of Mobile Applications Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:30:29 +0000 cloud based infrastructure for mobile apps

The velocity of mobile applications deployment is increasing each day. Organizations are striving to get those new applications/ features to market ahead of their competition. For this, testing the application quickly is crucial than ever. However, testers face numerous challenges such as unreliable testing infrastructure, distributed testing teams across cities and countries, agile development process … Continue reading "Leveraging Cloud-based Infrastructure for Testing of Mobile Applications"

The post Leveraging Cloud-based Infrastructure for Testing of Mobile Applications first appeared on TestingXperts.

cloud based infrastructure for mobile apps

The velocity of mobile applications deployment is increasing each day. Organizations are striving to get those new applications/ features to market ahead of their competition. For this, testing the application quickly is crucial than ever. However, testers face numerous challenges such as unreliable testing infrastructure, distributed testing teams across cities and countries, agile development process necessitating continuous testing, and a plethora of testing devices in the market. Building all the required infrastructure and automated testing requires significant investment and effort.

Contents 1. Cloud-based infrastructure for software testing 2. Major benefits of leveraging cloud-based infrastructure for testing 3. Conclusion

Cloud-based infrastructure for software testing

A promising way to address this problem is to leverage cloud-based infrastructure for testing. Cloud-based service providers let you build testing< environments quickly and cost-effectively, along with providing all popular mobile devices on the cloud. You can also run automated testing in the cloud which enables testers to run parallel tests on various devices at the same time, cutting down testing time considerably and reducing the application’s release cycle. Whether you need to extend an existing application or build something new, cloud-based resources can help you save time and money both.

Major benefits of leveraging cloud-based infrastructure for testing

1. Continuous access to resources One of the major benefits of the cloud is the 24×7 availability of its resources. The cloud-based resources are available for testing by multiple teams around the clock, in contrast to potentially having shared access to current in-house infrastructure. The QA teams can have global access to testing infrastructure in different time zones or geographic regions, allowing for more test coverage in a 24-hour period.

2. Lower costs Infrastructure and tool licenses costs are ramping up quickly, especially for larger teams. However, cloud-based infrastructure allows the organization to manage its expenses well and provide better results at low costs. The cloud also provides a near-rapid way known as Infrastructure as Code(IaC), to build a test bed without the effort and cost involved to build out the infrastructure yourself.

3. Promotes agility and collaboration Cloud testing can boost agile standards by providing a platform that is inherently collaborative. Assets in the cloud are updated automatically, by which users can have the most recent information available immediately. Cloud-based tools facilitate better collaboration between local and distributed teams, promoting continuous integration and continuous testing.

Effective Cloud-based performance testing strategy

Conclusion The evolution of cloud has made organizations realize the need for cloud as a platform or as an infrastructure. Cloud-based testing is offering several benefits to organizations as they move to agile processes. By integrating this approach while testing the mobile applications, teams can move more rapidly and achieve significant returns as a result. TestingXperts’ is a front-runner in enabling cloud testing services. Connect with us now and address all your QA challenges and pitfalls.

The post Leveraging Cloud-based Infrastructure for Testing of Mobile Applications first appeared on TestingXperts.

5 IoT challenges to be faced in 2022 Thu, 08 Mar 2018 12:31:33 +0000 IoT Testing challenge

As IoT technology continues to evolve at an incredibly rapid pace, consumers and businesses are conjecturing about the new challenges that will be faced in this year and beyond. Let’s find out the top 5 challenges that the IoT eco-system will face in 2018. IoT Testing Challenges:

The post 5 IoT challenges to be faced in 2022 first appeared on TestingXperts.

IoT Testing challenge

As IoT technology continues to evolve at an incredibly rapid pace, consumers and businesses are conjecturing about the new challenges that will be faced in this year and beyond. Let’s find out the top 5 challenges that the IoT eco-system will face in 2018.

IoT Testing Challenges:

IoT Testing challenges in 2022

The post 5 IoT challenges to be faced in 2022 first appeared on TestingXperts.

4 Trends Driving an Effective Test Data Management Strategy Mon, 05 Feb 2018 08:02:18 +0000 effective-test-data-management

Test data management (TDM) is a critical activity in the testing lifecycle. And this is undergoing continuous refinement with constant changes in the technology landscape and application development process. Contents 1. Effective Test Data Management Strategy 2. Big Data 3. Service Virtualization 4. DevOps Practices 5. Agile Methodology 6. Conclusion TDM is highly critical in … Continue reading "4 Trends Driving an Effective Test Data Management Strategy"

The post 4 Trends Driving an Effective Test Data Management Strategy first appeared on TestingXperts.


Test data management (TDM) is a critical activity in the testing lifecycle. And this is undergoing continuous refinement with constant changes in the technology landscape and application development process.

Contents 1. Effective Test Data Management Strategy 2. Big Data 3. Service Virtualization 4. DevOps Practices 5. Agile Methodology 6. Conclusion

TDM is highly critical in the testing lifecycle, as the quantum of data generated while testing is massive. Automating the test data helps in minimizing the time spent on processing the data, generating reports faster. However, some key trends have been empowering the TDM strategy. These key trends must be considered while creating an effective test data strategy to reduce time-to-market and improve efficiency. Let’s discuss these trends.

Effective Test Data Management Strategy

Big Data

Big data is a growing technology-driven program, and its strategic significance is growing gradually. With the rapid increase in the adoption of big data, test data architects need continuous data privacy and security solutions. Due to rising breach cases, IT organizations need to expand their data privacy and regulatory compliance initiative by including development and testing environments into the scope. In the current scenario, testing a big data application has become a challenge due to lack of proven test frameworks and toolsets. To set this right, test architects must manage test data and regulatory compliance in their test data strategy.

Service Virtualization

In the world of agile and DevOps, testing the applications need accurate, reliable, and comprehensive test environments. While this can be challenging, testers must execute integration tests on the application with various code versions and test data combinations. Therefore, test data architects need solutions to virtualize application behavior with predefined test data combination. Various organizations are leveraging service virtualization with proper test data configuration as a technique to minimalize costs in the non-production environment.

DevOps Practices

The implementation of DevOps practice promotes collaboration across teams involved in the software development lifecycle. The product, as well as test managers, deliver software in quick cycles and of high quality by continuous integration. A test data architect should leverage database virtualization in TDM for faster provisioning of non-production forms of databases virtually.

Agile Methodology

Agile delivery methods necessitate delivery within shorter delivery cycles with high quality. In every agile sprint, the test teams build, run, and automate tests for which the test data management teams execute data refresh and provide the test data needed to perform the tests. The ideal situation for a test data architect is to ensure optimal data sets with maximum test coverage. This solution helps in completing the testing on time.


Concisely, Test Data Management architects and consultants must be aware of the impact of these major trends on their existing test data strategy. Equipped with this information, they must modify their test data strategy with effective solutions, such as service virtualization, to integrate an ultramodern vision into their Test Data Management strategy. Test data is often generated using existing data. Therefore, the data must be kept confidential to protect the individual’s interest or business interests. Securing the test data is important based on the criticality of the application under test.

At TestingXperts, we have employed robust test data management practices for intricate enterprise platforms. Connect with our experts to improve test effectiveness by using accurate test data and institutionalizing the entire test data management process.

The post 4 Trends Driving an Effective Test Data Management Strategy first appeared on TestingXperts.

Oldest Canadian Telecom Company Experienced Another Data Breach. Is your Data Secure? Mon, 29 Jan 2018 15:15:08 +0000 Preventing Cyber-Security Breaches via Security testing services

Bell Canada shocked the world by experiencing second hack in just eight months. Hacker stole data from up to 100,000 Bell Canada customers, leaving customers under enormous stress. Bell is Canada’s one of the largest and oldest telecom company, with over 22 million customers. This breach happened twice in eight months, prompting an RCMP investigation … Continue reading "Oldest Canadian Telecom Company Experienced Another Data Breach. Is your Data Secure?"

The post Oldest Canadian Telecom Company Experienced Another Data Breach. Is your Data Secure? first appeared on TestingXperts.

Preventing Cyber-Security Breaches via Security testing services

Bell Canada shocked the world by experiencing second hack in just eight months. Hacker stole data from up to 100,000 Bell Canada customers, leaving customers under enormous stress. Bell is Canada’s one of the largest and oldest telecom company, with over 22 million customers. This breach happened twice in eight months, prompting an RCMP investigation into the breach at Canada’s largest telecommunications company.

1. Cybersecurity Facts 2. Cybersecurity: The Inevitable Need 3. Solution: TestingXperts’ Security Testing Services


Cybersecurity Facts


BCE Inc. confirmed on Tuesday, i.e., January 23, 2018, that hackers got hold of ‘fewer than 100,000′ customers’ information, including names and email addresses. This followed a hack in May 2017 when 1.9 million email addresses and about 1,700 names and phone numbers were stolen from Bell’s database. –Courtesy: Financial Post

From leaking debit card details to attacking global enterprises and institutional systems, cyber-attacks have become a substantial part of our political and social discourse. Every day there is fresh news of cyber-attack that gets people in distress. The last WannaCry Ransomware virus attacked global enterprises and institutional systems and panicked every mobile application user. This repeated again on Jan 23, 2018 with Bell Canada paying the price.

Cybersecurity: The Inevitable Need


Cybersecurity has become more than just a concern for businesses these days. Gone are the days, when cybersecurity was perceived as a reactionary measure to be taken after the incident had occurred. Nowadays with the growing awareness and knowledge, businesses have realized the importance of securing their data.

Viruses and bugs attacking the digital space are getting stronger; intensifying the need for an extensive security strategy. Companies and individuals today are in dire need to build software/applications that are thoroughly tested for the data security and are, at the same time, competent enough to alert users against any possible cyber-attack.

After all these incidents, it is evident that such attacks will only grow in the days to come. Companies and individuals should realize the need to build software/applications that are thoroughly tested for their security. At the same time, should be competent enough to alert the users against any possible cyber-attack.

Cybersecurity experts and specialists from the industry are saying that such attacks on the internet will continue to propagate and intimidate the core presence of web in the global sphere. So, the question remains – can such cyber-attacks be hindered or totally choked with anti-virus programs, or is there a need for a comprehensive Security Testing Strategy

Solution: TestingXperts’ Security Testing Services

Security testing service exposes weaknesses and threats to the security mechanisms of the applications under the context that maintain functionality and protect data as envisioned. It involves a wide range of testing segments like penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, security auditing, posture assessment, security scanning, risk assessment, and ethical hacking.

application security testing services

Over the past years, TestingXperts has built test accelerators, capabilities, and knowledge repository and is working on more than 150 engagements using the latest industry standards such as OWASP and proprietary testing methodologies. TestingXperts offers a comprehensive security analysis supported by dashboards, wide-ranging reports, along with remedial measures for all issues found. TestingXperts has deep expertise in security testing for mobile applications, web applications, web services, and software products. Connect with us to discuss how TestingXperts can bring more value to your business with enhanced security testing techniques.

The post Oldest Canadian Telecom Company Experienced Another Data Breach. Is your Data Secure? first appeared on TestingXperts.

How DevOps and Continuous Testing will Impact Mon, 15 Jan 2018 08:29:23 +0000 devops-and-continuous-testing

Businesses nowadays have not just exposed most of their internal applications to the customer, but have also developed additional software that outspreads and complements those applications. Software failures have severe business consequences, which is why application-related risks have become evident constituents of a business’ public financial filing. As a result, enterprises are embracing comprehensive software … Continue reading "How DevOps and Continuous Testing will Impact"

The post How DevOps and Continuous Testing will Impact first appeared on TestingXperts.


Businesses nowadays have not just exposed most of their internal applications to the customer, but have also developed additional software that outspreads and complements those applications. Software failures have severe business consequences, which is why application-related risks have become evident constituents of a business’ public financial filing. As a result, enterprises are embracing comprehensive software testing techniques for their applications.

Contents 1. How Did 2023 Embrace Change? 2. Faster Release Cycles Will Require DevOps and Continuous Testing 3. IoT and Cross-platform Engagement Will Require More Devices and More Applications 4. Conclusion

How Did 2023 Embrace Change?

In 2023, we saw remarkable growth in adoption of agile methodologies such as ATDD and BDD. Besides this, organizations have left legacy tools behind, supporting faster and agile-ready testing. This move emulates the need to cater to every role that touches continuous testing such as development, testing, or operations.

In 2023, organizations will witness the above-stated solutions growing to a higher scale, whereby the manual and legacy tools skills will transform into more modern ones. The evolution of continuous testing (CT), continuous integration (CI), and DevOps will also transform into much shorter releases acting as a channel towards real continuous delivery (CD). Leading organizations will be forced to invest in people and empower their developers with continuous testing capabilities that reflect a better range of quality checks, i.e. focusing more on DevSecOps. QA will no longer be a bottleneck, rather it will become the crux of the entire CI/CD cycle. The year 2023 will also bring a clear focus on Test Data Management as businesses will continue to find the accessibility of test data to be one of the most crucial aspects that drives lead time in test cycles.

Faster Release Cycles Will Require DevOps and Continuous Testing

DevOps is meant to trace an entire organization; though it’s profoundly weighted in the software development lifecycle. This is the reason that DevOps will be going mainstream in 2023. Companies will be making the adoption of DevOps practices a top priority. The main objective of companies will be delivering value to the customers faster through the automation of the release processes. This will only happen if the organizations realize that in order to establish their DevOps processes, they would require continuous testing as a part of their continuous integration process. In order to achieve faster and timely release cycles, companies will have to migrate away from the legacy testing solutions that inhibit them from shift left methodologies by leveraging cloud-based and open-source testing solutions.

IoT and Cross-platform Engagement Will Require More Devices and More Applications

With organizations’ ever-changing processes and innovations to mix different digital technologies, there will be an evident rise in the IoT (Internet of Things) devices. This transformation will create a need for more applications, further insisting on continuous testing of those applications.

In this year, industries such as healthcare, financial services, e-commerce, and automotive will all completely embrace the IoT. There might be transformations in the current processes and applications, as consumers and developers embrace the continuously evolving innovative capabilities coming in 2023.

DevOps Best Practices - Integrating QA and DevOps


To maintain and nurture customers and productivity, CIOs must identify the significance of empowering developers with the right tools and time to implement continuous testing across the SDLC. Tools that are powered by automation and the cloud solutions are increasing competency, reducing the time that is spent by developers on manual quality-checking. It also helps to produce apps that are synchronized with customer expectations.

The value of an efficient, or not-so efficient DevOps process can effectively ‘make or break’ an organization. In this year, organizations should include IT leadership in these conversations to make sure that developers are getting what they require, when they require it, in order to keep businesses moving as anticipated. TestingXperts specializes in market-leading devops software testing tools for enterprises. TestingXperts has constantly been growing with the transformational changes in the industry and is equipped to take on forthcoming changes effectively this year.

The post How DevOps and Continuous Testing will Impact first appeared on TestingXperts.

6 Emerging Software Testing Trends that will Rule 2018- Infographic Tue, 02 Jan 2018 13:03:04 +0000 emerging software testing trends

Software testing industry has witnessed a tremendous evolution in the last few years. The methodologies and practices of software testing are on a continuous transformation. With the incessant need for QA, software testing industry is coming up with more intellectual trends in the coming year. In this infographic, we will discuss the emerging software testing … Continue reading "6 Emerging Software Testing Trends that will Rule 2018- Infographic"

The post 6 Emerging Software Testing Trends that will Rule 2018- Infographic first appeared on TestingXperts.

emerging software testing trends

Software testing industry has witnessed a tremendous evolution in the last few years. The methodologies and practices of software testing are on a continuous transformation. With the incessant need for QA, software testing industry is coming up with more intellectual trends in the coming year. In this infographic, we will discuss the emerging software testing trends that will rule 2018.

Software Testing Trends 2018

software testing trends

The post 6 Emerging Software Testing Trends that will Rule 2018- Infographic first appeared on TestingXperts.
